Saturday, September 12, 2020

Langkawi 2020

When my sons floated the idea of a trip  (for me and wifey) to Langkawi, I was thrilled at the idea of some fishing at sea . Their local  buddies would take care of us. Besides, their friends have also become ours so we really not among strangers.

But sometime before the  last week of the planned trip, I found myself in the midst of a price negotiation over a  property. The timing couldn't have been worse. Any holiday trip was out of the question; I couldn't leave town.

But the negotiation suddenly became furious  as  there was now another offer on the table (from another real estate agent), only 50k below the the vendor's final price. 

Now  I had to convince my buyer that this was a genuine bona fide offer, and if he  didn't move to up on his offer by 100k, he will lose the house. (his current offer was 100k below seller final price)

The previous night I had gone to bed with a heavy heart. Earlier that day, he made an offer 200k below sellers price but I suggested if he moved up his price by 100k, I could convince the owner to do the same (reduce by 100k). And we could make a deal. He agreed. But when  I reverted to him the owner was agreeable, he didn't commit with a deposit; instead he was now  asking for the seller to reduce further still . ( by a further  50k.) 

"Come now, I will give you the check" he said. 

I was furious  .. . (my visions of sea fishing beginning to evaporate). The buyer shamelessly backed out from his earlier offer. 

The negotiation now has turned complicated, and  most likely a long drawn affair.

Then asudden call from the owner changed escalated the situatio. They had received an earnest deposit cheque (from another competing agent) to entice him to sign/accept  the letter of offer (the offer still 50k below owner's final price)

When I heard of it, I threw down the gauntlet  to my buyer. "If you don't act now like  how you agreed yesterday, you will lose the house (and you'll be back to square one house hunting)". I warned him trying to sound .. as calm (and respectful) as possible.

Yet he refused, saying he can move up his offer to  match the other agent. I wanted to yell, it didn't matter that you are willing, the owner was NOT and furthermore the other buyer could well UP his offer to match the owner's final price, and you'll end with nothing, but a bad argument.

But suddenly, just when I knew NOT what else to say or do. He blurted out, " okay okay.. come and take the cheque.

Just like that (the events turned to my favor).

I rushed to collect the 2% earnest deposit, all the while hoping the competing agent would not upp his offer to match /go above the final price. 

It was a stressful few hours, but 'Praise the Lord Jesus!'

I got it done.   I closed the deal.

Woweee!!! .

On my way home, I called my wife to tell her to book flights to Langkawi. Yay!

Langkawi here we come!

On our second day in Langkawi, we went for the much awaited fishing trip /island hopping.

But one of the boats (among three), couldn't start ( the outboard motor). For at least 15 mins, Tano, prob the most experienced sea man here pull-start continuously the outboard motor, but it  just refused to start.
I was beginning to  wonder if our boat  trip would be cancelled as a result. Then Joy Shav (it was her boat) took over yanking at the cord till she too looked pretty exhausted, so I offered to take over pulling at the cord.

I kid you not, after only ONE PULL, the motor miraculously sputtered to life.

After 20-25 mins of continuous non stop trying. I was incredulous that my one pull, it cough to life. ( I didn't even have a chance to  warmed up.😎)

Just like that! 

coincidence?  Maybe .. or perhaps not.)

We went to an uninhabited  island to chill, and frolic in the beach and ate our pre-pack lunch.

Frankly, It was  paradise  on earth.

Next, two boats headed back, while we (third boat) headed out to their favorite fishing spot. We hauled in 5-6 fishes decent eating size ones.

Then there was a long lull,  as the fish stopped biting.

And we waited... and waited.

What happened next was rather surreal.  About 150m away, there appeared what looked like a fish in distress as it flopped about on the water surface. From that distance if  it was a fish, it was a BIG one; we could scoop it into the boat on the way home. 

Since it was about time to leave, we hauled up anchor, cranked up the engine and  headed towards this strange thing. Nearer, we could see it was indeed a big fish, looking distressed  it's tail flopping on the surface.
Daniel stood at the bow in front of boat with a gaff which is a pole w hook ( he looked like Capt Ahab ready to spear Moby Dick). And just at the right time, Tano cut the motor and we waited for the  boat to glide within striking range. As we came over it he took a stab into the water, but incredibly.. he missed! I could see his shock, but he recovers quickly to passed the gaff to Tano at the back (astern) waiting for  the boat continue to glide over  the fish. Tano readies himself,  takes a stab at the moving target and hooks it(!), but incredibly (omg!), he loses his grip on the gaff (.. and fish). 

And I watched the fish flip flopping away, now with a gaff sticking in its side.

Stunned at this development, I saw the fish unexpectedly began to drift over to my side (portside ) and without  moving from my position, I reached over grabbed the gaff,  and pulled it in.

Just like that! 

(the epiphany of the moment didn't escape me, like how earlier my real estate 'deal' with several competing offers, suddenly  falls on my lap; I only became too aware how God works! )

The biggest fish of the day .. I landed (unconventional as it may be!). But what an unlikely story! 

Perhaps you might say  I am  connecting imaginary dots in my head to presume on this supernatural favor of God. Actually, I'm rather quite a skeptic when it comes to these kind of things.

But I feel it, not over thinking, but a 'knowing' these happenstance are not just coincidences, but the designs  of our loving Father wanting to pour his pleasure over his children.

He is a Father like no other. 

Tq PAPA. For a great stress free holiday, and for your eternal love for your children.

Btw, regarding the sale of this house. I've had this particular property in my listing page for over 18 months . This was the first and ONLY  'viewing'  I've ever done on it.
In  truth, my listing has been on my iproperty page for quite a while, so on any online search it would not  have appeared on the first page.
Incredible the buyer's son who called me even found my listing in first place.

Secondly, two weeks prior, this same buyer's other son (he has two sons) actually made an appointment with  another agent to view this SAME house (the owner later revealed to me ), but  somehow got cancelled at the last minute because their father was too busy.

I was stunned (to hear it).

Oh God, indeed you go before (and after!) us.

I know it's a long post, if you've reached this far please recognize that  this favor of our Father is neither exclusive (only to some ppl) nor exhaustive  in his blessings.

You will be next!  In Jesus name I pray His blessing over you. Amen!

Oh and btw, I goggled the type of fish I hauled in, its called "Ikan Pecah Periuk" 

It a breakthrough fish!!! Hahaha 

Sunday, August 9, 2020


I don't think western democracy is perfect by any stretch. We hv seen all its failings, even more so now. But if you pit a US democratic system vs the communist rule of CCP. I would choose the lesser of two evils.

Western style democracy is a product of western civilization with deep seated Judeo-Christian ethics /values as its moral foundation . Its the belief that man is valuable because he is created in the image of God. Therefore in the eyes of God, every life has value and is precious, and we are taught to value life as God sees it (how much more a human life). 
By same token, every man is equal before God, and therefore he has an equal say (one vote) in the election of his ruler in a democracy .

Contrast that w a communist-capitalistic system, no matter how impressive its economic miracle, at the heart of it is a godless ideology. And 'man' is only valuable as long as he has utility (use). Otherwise the system will see you as unnecessary baggage. In other words, you are quite expendable. In a communistic  societies, the state becomes god, "cares" for you, makes decisions for you.. they become your god. If you become a problem to them ( ie. a dissident), there is no reason to think they will not 'disappear' you ( favorite term used by Chinese).

Already in this world life is cheap, but under the ccp, it  even cheaper.
In the recent altercation w India along the Galwan (Ladakh) valley, Indian military suffered 20 dead soldiers. India went on to  give their dead a full  military honour and proper burial send off. It made the national news. The country mourned and honored its dead soldiers. 

China didn't even acknowledge they had dead soldiers on their side. They didn't bother. (like disposable pawns in a chess game)  It was almost as if it was a non event. 

Any keen observer will see orphanages in China are filled with children who born with handicaps, deformities parents dump to the State. It's NOT a burden the natural parents want to carry. I don't blame these people; they are but a by-product of decades of a godless communistic mindset/ philosophy. 

Ironically, you will see many of these orphans are adopted by Western (American) couples, some of them childless wanting to adopt , others already with their own families, but wanting to adopt and bless these unfortunate children with a better life. They are able see every life as a gift from God. 
(I know a few 'adopting families personally) 

Below is a story of the tragic death of a young toddler (WANG YUE) which was so astounding it even shocked the national consciousness of the Chinese, and raised questions how this could have happened. 

Sure, there are many things wrong in America, but there are also many things right. ( it is a result of free society) People choose to do good or to do wrong.  In a an open free society, you 'll see the extremes of good and bad.  But, if the  moral foundations of its judeo-christian values breaks down, the society becomes undone. 
Sadly, this also seems to be true. (as seen in the agenda of the Liberal left) 

I'm not putting down the Chinese people  they are, but captive to the  humanistic teaching which, at it core denies a creator God.( and is inherently evil).  When there is no consciousness of the Creator, ALL things are on the table. Communism in its short history has killed more people (without batting an eye) than we care to estimate

This callous treatment of the Chinese people by the CCP are well documented, but totally scrubbed from Chinese history books ie. Tianamen Square Massacre , the abuses of the civil war 1927- 1949, the Great Leap forward (1958)  the Cultural Revolution 1966-1976 , and the recent  Hong Kong debacle. 
Ironically, the civil war which spawned the CCP, killed an estimated 30-40m Chinese ( a conservative estimate). 

Please think about that for a moment. 

Many of your forefathers, relatives may have been killed by this same party you now show such support and admiration. 

*mass killings by communist regimes 

Today's CCP may take on a more sophisticated form, pioneering scientific fields of research, space ventures, Artificial Intelligence, advance systems etc. 
But the underlying ideology remains the same. 

Only the packaging is different

CCP will not stop its expansionist ambitions. Their tentacles-like influence spreading far and wide. A state govt that has no conscience,  will utilise all its resources to crush opposition, often using barbaric methods of  
silencing overseas dissidents by persecuting their relatives and loved ones who  remain in China. 

If you are reading this, and you feel 'entitled' to have a contrary opinion (and you not afraid to express it ) then you are the beneficiary of a democratic system that values an individual's right ie. right to 'life, freedom, and the pursuit of happiness'. (I know that sounds awfully American) 
Life under dictatorial regimes are brutal for those who disagree and dare  to voice their  dissent. 

It is said, all it takes for evil to advance is for good men to do nothing.

Much as we disagree with the US, they are they only ones able and willing (under Trump) to stand against the CCP..

I believe the world and its citizens has an obligation to check China with eyes wide open. 

Students under siege at the HK Politechnic sprawl this graffiti

A graffiti inside Hong Kong's Polytechnic University
where students were barricaded for two weeks by the police sends out a dire warning to the world.

Before I end, here are some notable quotes below :-

"An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity."

"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it."

"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.

Thank for reading. 

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

The zen of shoe polishing

There is the old maxim if you want to know what a man is like, just look at his shoes. (probably not a red Indian maxim). I must have created some 'impressions' with my tired looking pair of Rockports (which I tout the lightest most comfortable shoes ever! ), and since I heard the company has recently wound up (sob), i decided to make this pair to last as long as possible.

So I bought some brown shoe polish.

It's not as if I've never polished shoes before. There was a time in my life, I had to polish my shoes almost everyday. During my 15 month stint at the Philippines Airlines flight academy in Manila, I found myself enrolled into a uninformed para military flight school runned by ex-military aviators. ( Thanks a lot SIA! )  Yes, they were a tough outfit and we endured some questionable treatment by our senior upper classmen (ragging) not to mention those endless morning marching drills etc . Our military standard shoes had to be polished to the point we could see a mirror reflection of our teeth (and our bald shaven heads), I kid not.

So today, while working on my old Rockports, i had some time to reflect.. while refreshing a skill honed thru many nights massaging my shoe till my face 'appeared'.

The process is uncomplicated ..

First, apply the wax generously. Then with a lil water on the cotton cloth, rub gently in circles. Repeat and repeat and repeat er, yes and repeat... till the shine finally appear.

The wax acts like a filler to the leather. Thru repeated applications and friction (from the cloth), it works its way into the leather. After some while, heat from constant polishing causes the leather absorb and then create the shine.

While looking to check if my 'teeth' would appear (it didn't), but I did see the remarkable parallels to the Christian life.

When one receives His grace, we believe in the One who has saved us. At first, outwardly there may not be any perceived change but when our lives become infused with the "Zoe life" of our Savior, we begin to reflect 'who' we really are inside. 

Sometimes, the nix(es), micro tears, or the jaded condition of the leather shows up a journey that's just been off the beaten path  ; but all it needs is some extra 'attention' to bring out the shine, and eventually it does.

It always does.

As i look on proudly to the old Rockports which has served me so well, revived by some expert treatment, I'm just glad the One who walks with me doesn't discard the unlovely. He looks beyond the dirt, grime, and ugliness suffered. And He patiently waits knowing its just a matter of time. And I have utmost faith in Him, the One who ransomed me, will bring about the shine and all that is lovely in our lives. 

The real 'red indian' maxim says "don't not judge a man till you've walked a mile in his shoes" (mocassins). 

Well, Jesus has more than walked a mile in our shoes. 

And I trust completely His judgement. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

May 13th, 1969

Today marks a day when pandemonium broke out in k .

Monday, May 4, 2020

Mco Day#47

So this morning I had a dilemma in my hands (literally!). The magpies were unusually excited flying all about in front of the house. I had suspected there was probably a nest somewhere nearby. When I went out, my immediate neighbour to the right discovered the nest in his TNB meter box and decided to remove it (for whatever the reason!!). In it was a baby magpie (possibly 2-3 weeks old), one small (blue coloured streaks) unhatched egg and one shiny screw. He had put them all in a ubiquitous round plastic container, and asked if I would like keep it (since we seem to be kind to stray animals.. he pushed his suggestion  ), otherwise he was going to leave it at the guardhouse.  Becos our language differences and possibly I wasn't quite fully awake, I took it from them.

Foolishly I thought I could feed/care for it. But now, as I held that shivering bird, I realise there was no way that bird was going to eat (or drink) anything from my hand; I did try my best.

As I held it in my palm, I was literally praying that it would somehow survive!

We reconstructed its nest best we could in that round plastic box and proceeded to put it out in the palm tree ( up at the safest spot I could find, yes with a ladder and all). I was hoping the parents would see it and perhaps continue to care for it.

Aware that the cat was always around I kept a eye on it from afar. But what I didn't expect was a black crow showing up, hung onto the palm branch and peering into direction of the nest. I went ballistic and shoooed it away. (In my mind I had visions of it flying off with a baby-meal in its mouth).

Linda then suggested we put the nest in a hanging potted plant and leave it under our porch.

Did you see the screw? Apparently magpies like shiny objects in their nest. 

But after observing a long while, we became convinced the parent magpies are not able to detect its whereabouts under our porch, so i placed the entire pot on the gate pillar (temporarily) hoping to attract the parents attention. (Perhaps if they noticed its whereabouts in the pot it would come feed it under my porch).

But again, the menacing crow comes around (I wished I had a bb gun then).

So I had no choice, but to bring the pot back under my porch again. The fledgling 'baby magpie (pie-let??) couldnt make even a slightest sound, so what are the chances it will be found?

Linda shoots up a prayer and we waited..

This is what it looked like, the parent is perched up on the opp roof peak, possibly sizing up if it was safe to come check the pot hanging so close under the house. 

Then it happens, watch the video.

The moment it catches sight of its baby.

We were elated. But this is only the first day. Its future still unknown, but at least for today this lil fella has a decent chance.  

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns and yet your heavenly father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they. Can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? 
Matthew 6:26-27


On the second night I had to bring in the pot into the house as I found lil fella on the ground ; it must have attempted to fly but was unsuccessful (twice! ). Don't know how long he was there but I didn't want the neighbourhood cat to chance on it. 
Before dawn I put the pot back outside hoping the parent wouldn't notice, but it was already watching from nearby. (i imagine  got pretty upset at the 'missing pot' ) 
Soon after I came in, it swung past once, before it landed to check on the lil fella. I went to fix my morning  coffee. After a while I noticed there was an uncanny silence (of activity). I didn't think it could have flown, but I did go out to check. True enough the lil fella was no longer there  After checking the ground a bit I realised  it must have flown off (with the mother!). That lil extra self belief only a mother could imparted.
Overall, I'm rather pleased with myself. Happy and sad.

I guess must be that empty nest feelin.. 

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Mco Day#40

Every day since the mco began, I've been very thankful each morning to be awaken by the melodic sounds of birds chirping outside (keeps me sane!). I can't describe the pleasure i get when i hear these nature sounds esp in midst of a season increasingly void of any activity and purpose. There is a palm tree right in front of my house (must be the ONLY palm tree left in the whole of the IOI estate); its fruit must be a big attraction and delicacy to these local song birds.

But it wasn't always like this.

(Mathias doing life w his mate.      Turn up the volume. Enjoy)

Prior to the MCO, crows aka ravens would visit (sit) on my gate giving out their awful caw-cawing sounds. I would try shoosh them away but they would always come back; I get bad vibes from these sorry scavenger birds and their bad reputations.

But ever since the MCO started, void of all human activity, birds would visit the palm tree and although i would hear crows occasionally i didn't see them. After a while, I acutely  wondered what ever happened to them stupid crows? Did they just go away??

Black Asian Starling

Oh dear, guess who has also come.. 

Olive-back Sunbird

But today i saw it again. There it was, the big ugly Crow perched on my front gate. Aissh! 

But guess what(?!! ), the Magpie suddenly appears, furious and  aggressive, just chased the crow away. Omg. 

What did i just see?? 
Brown Shrike - has a dark beak

Sometimes they come under the shade

Did i imagine it? Could a sweet voiced (and small) magpie chase off a mean black scavenger crow??

Then it happened again!

The crow landed on my gate but only for a few seconds, MATHIAS the magpie (ya i gv it a name! ) bravely dive bomb the crow and chased it away. The crow, thrice the size of the magpie just turned and fled (what a wimp!)

I always resented that crow sitting on my gate, but i couldn't do anything about it.  Imagine that! A small magpie would chase off a big crow. If i didn't see it, I would not have believed.

It's the heart for the fight that brings victory. Size may look intimidating, but courage wins the day.

Local Mynah

Peaceful Dove

As a believer who is loved by Christ our Savior, i take to heart we have every reason to be bold and to be hopeful for every season life brings. The challenges may seem overwhelming, but we have a big God backing us.

We can be bold.

We have to be bold.

And in today's life classroom, lil mathias showed the way.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

The Bummer lamb

I don't know who wrote this, but I'm putting ìt here!! 

Every once in a while, an ewe will give birth to a lamb and reject it. There are many reasons she may do this. If the lamb is returned to the ewe, the mother may even kick the poor animal away. Once a ewe rejects one of her lambs, she will never change her mind.
These little lambs will hang their heads so low that it looks like something is wrong with its neck. Their spirit is broken.
These lambs are called “bummer lambs.” Unless the shepherd intervenes, that lamb will die, rejected and alone. So, do you know what the shepherd does?
He takes that rejected little one into his home, hand-feeds it and keep it warm by the fire. He will wrap it up with blankets and hold it to his chest so the bummer can hear his heartbeat. Once the lamb is strong enough, the shepherd will place it back in the field with the rest of the flock.
But that sheep never forgets how the shepherd cared for him when his mother rejected him. When the shepherd calls for the flock, guess who runs to him first?
That is right, the bummer sheep. He knows his voice intimately.

It is not that the bummer lamb is loved more, it just knows intimately the one who loves it.

It's not that it is loved more, it just believes it because it has experienced that love one on one.

So many of us are bummer lambs, rejected and broken. But He is the Good Shepherd. He cares for our every need and holds us close to His heart so we can hear His heartbeat.

We may be broken but we are deeply loved by the Shepherd.
The Lord is MY shepherd...

I’m a bummer lamb. 🌈🙏🌳

The Lord is MY Shepherd

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Blood Pressure

Some of you may know I've been on a quest to keep my bp within limits to avoid taking bp medications. I've always believed that our body has been created by God to function perfectly. And we should remain healthy for most, if not all our lives (aging, of course will have its own set of issues). Any 'abnormal' blood testing results is really our body telling us (a sign) that something is wrong. The problem with much of today's modern medical practice (allopathy), much of it is really not designed to help you fight disease but rather to 'manage' it. So instead of emphasising the need to lose couple of kgs, change diet, exercise etc etc, you will most likely be given a pill to address the body's dysfunction and bring the numbers in line. Instead of listening to the body (and finding out) what its trying to tell us, we are prescribed medication to address a particular problematic area (diabetes. high bp, etc) and its likely we'll continued taking that meds for life. Then the process repeats itself for another issue which may crop up, and after a while, we need to careful theses drugs don't clash with each other.  Of course these drugs are not without it's own set of side effects., but all too often the demands of our hectic lives makes it near impossible to make  any necessary changes ; it becomes easier to just pop a pill.

So in my case, after exercising, losing some weight, and being careful of what i ingest, my bp numbers still remained borderline high  (stage 1, an average bp 140/90 with some +/- 5points spikes up /down ).

After more than a year, I was seriously considering throwing in the towel and take medication instead to intervene (that's the word doctors use, intervention! ) to bring it to the target of 120/80.

Then one day, i came across a doctor on u tube (cardiologist actually! ) whose philosophy really made sense and was telling me things which i already subscribed to.

He said that the majority of us (based on the modern diet) are really lacking in the mineral magnesium. And that magnesium is a key to relax the arteries (a natural vasodilator) thereby bringing the bp numbers down. It has no side effects, so no danger of overdosing (not a prescription) and it can be found abundantly in certain greens.

It was first time I'm hearing that a dietary lack could be can contribute to higher bp.

What there to lose right!?

So after finishing one bottle of magnesium (around 1 month), I'm very happy to say that my bp numbers have finally improved. (in fact just after two weeks!)

To supplement the daily magnesium intake, I've also added garlic pills which also seem to lower the numbers further.

I've come to the place where I'm quite happy at where the numbers are right now, and i thank God for bringing this life - changing info (for me it's a long light out of tunnel);  it also validates my core beliefs. Our bodies are created to function prefectly, any disease is really a 'dis - ease' which can /should be investigated and corrected so we may live out our lives, (as much as possible) and with as little as possible, the medications that seem to rule the day.

The readings can fluctuate up or down sometimes as much as twenty points, but i finally think I'm having the upper hand now.

Thks for reading! 

Saturday, March 21, 2020


On Thursday morning (19/03), as the city prepared for the partial lockdown, people everywhere were in a frenzied rush to stock up supplies (like for a wartime!). I took the opportunity to visit my favourite hiking ground. I knew it was a matter of time before authorities would shut it down as well, but for today it was still open.

The forest was unusually sparse (of hikers). Because of the ensuing shut down, I knew the forest-rangers would not be around, so I took the chance to go deep in, wherein  lies the most beautiful pool of water ever, the 'blue lagoon'.

Looks green but it's vividly blue! 

the crown of thorns ?

It would be a 3-hr long hike alone, but the solitude of the forest was compelling. As I journeyed in, it dawned on me that the forest is in no hurry. It has no time clock. From the huge trees to the ground creepers, they have no time line to their existence, no mad race to finish.  Everything grows at its own unhurried pace. The ground I'm treading on will still be there tomorrow,  the fallen trees/ leaves will decompose over time and feed a multitude of organisms.. in its own time. As I trekked further, I can almost feel my body soak it in .... the quiet nature of the forest.

In the busyness of doing "life"  and all that it entails (er, read stress?? ) , we have forgotten what 'living' is all about. We have no time to "feel". We rush from one project (or 3!) to another, our minds constantly racing, but invariably our bodies pay the price ,  and our personal relationships suffer.
These trees

The forest is in no hurry, and no time clock 

When God first met Adam, it was also in the garden (forest). Alas, it was also here where the first sin transpired..."Where are you Adam?" (as if God didn't know). When confronted, Adam choose to blame Eve, which in truth Adam was blaming God (indirectly) for giving Eve to him. And so from that time on, the blame game begun.

"By the sweat of your brow, you shall eat your bread, until you return to the dust.." Gen 3:19.

That was the curse of the original sin.

For his disobedience, Adam was cast out of Eden, out from the presence of God  (Gen 3:24-25)

Since then Man has chosen to be self dependent  away from his Maker. (spiritually and physically as well). We falsely believe that money (and all it does for us) can take the place of God in our lives.
When Jesus appeared on the scene 2020 years ago , he did some amazing stuff. But the most amazing thing he did was to create a bridge back to God thru his own death / resurrection.

Our original sin of rebellion can be wipe away, our curse cancelled, and we can have a clean slate before God.

Jesus is the Bridge

How (when?) the Covid-19 crisis will end, no one really knows, but I think the world will never be the same.. ever again.

But God is not surprised (by all this); what is meant for evil, God will turn it around for good. (Genesis 50:20.)

and so my favorite hiking hill is closed until further notice

*when I exited the place, the police were already in the midst of sealing it off from public with the yellow 'do not cross' tape.

"Tomorrow cannot come OK?" , he barked a friendly warning to me.

I nodded and waved back.

Tomorrow? really?

who knows, about 'tomorrow'!

But I know the One who holds tomorrow , and I will put my trust in Him.

For I know the thoughts that i think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and go and pray to ME, and I will listen to you. And you will seek ME and find ME with all your heart. - Jeremiah 29:11-13 

Signing off for now.. ta

Sunday, March 1, 2020


The first time I saw them was in our suburban church at Riverdale, Maryland,. They had come in halfway during the worship service , and seated themselves on the left side of aisle,  two rows behind us. They were unmistakably different from the other people who attended that church.  Sonya was fair olive skinned, with dark hair and attractive features, a disarming smile (she was the quintessential 'Esmeralda' gypsy in the movie Hunch Back of Notre Dame). Jerry her husband also dark haired, looked more like the ubiquitous American with plaid shirt and jeans.  They were visitors to the area and chanced upon our church which sat off a quiet connecting road between two busy main roads. ( I learnt later, Sonya wanted to ‘drop off their  ‘tithe money’ before she succumbed to the temptation to spend it,)  After that day, they never showed up again.  None of us knew they were gypsies.  Some months later, and by some chance , I bumped into Jerry at the local grocery store (Safeway). Apparently, they had returned to the area, and found a place to stay 15 minutes from  Riverdale apartments, where we lived. (That old apartment had its own stories to tell, the tenants like fixtures some of whom have lived there for decades)

Anyway,  we sort of hit it off immediately.  They were eager to know how our personal journey(s) that brought us to know the Lord Jesus as personal Savior, and we exchanged our stories (testimonies).  We found out that Gypsies although comfortably conversant in English, did not  go to school, nor send their children to school ; so they never learnt to read nor write.  They are basically a sub culture people group who lived their lives outside the 'system'. The women folk were the ones who earned the money  by holding  private fortune telling sessions with their clients, carving a niche in a particular area/town, and erecting these “Palm’ reading signs to  attract people needing a ‘guidance’ or some spiritual counselling or a direction in life; not unlike our local 'bomoh' services. Although the initial ‘payments’ for services may be small ( small cash, small household goods eg . toasters etc etc ), but eventually as the client's trust and confidence grows, they may be asked for bigger items like cars, and sometimes even houses(!). The gypsy men did not work and mostly spend their time playing golf, maybe indulge in car selling /fixing dented car fenders, or doing some black top work (tarring driveways or parking lots). Their daughters learn the fotune telling  “trade” from very early on and acquire their disarming verbal and personality ‘skills’ that elicit trust and rapport with their clients.  (Sonya told me she had her first client at a ripe young age of 12).  Like most gyspsy families, their marriages are arranged and involve big dowries ( yes, the gypsies  in America can trace their roots  to Romania, Europe and centuries earlier to the country of India). Wedding customs like using 'tali' (Indian wedding custom) is widely practiced in gypsy weddings.

Completely. fascinating.

The problems for Sonya and Jerry began one day, when she happened to picked up a small pamphlet  (a gospel tract) left at house which told of the message of God's redeeming love;  the message of Salvation thru the sacrifice of Jesus, his death, (burial and resurrection,) as payment for our sins. The amazing thing was when she picked up the gospel tract, she was ‘supernaturally’ given an ability to understand it even though her mind couldn't process the lines (of words ) on the page, her heart unmistakably 'heard'  Holy spirit speaking to her. She never went to school and was never taught to read!  She was stunned as she felt her heart respond to this tract that spoke of God's love for her, and forgiveness through Jesus Christ. She cried several days as the Holy Spirit brought the conviction, and ministered deeply to her. She could not understand what was going on within her nor explain to her family. Only later she began to comprehend as she sought out advise from those in her community, gypsies who had become born again Christians. At some point she made a pivotal decision that would change her life forever (and her husband Jerry’s); she became a believer and follower of Jesus. "I felt such joy in me," exclaimed Sonya. But her new found faith also brought immediate persecution as  she would not engage in age old trade of palm reading anymore ( the Word of God forbids it). This was a big big issue, basically their only source of 'bread n butter'.
She didn't yield, despite increasing pressure from her mother in law (Jerry 's mother) who even promised her a house in a nice section of town.

After the attempts to bribe her failed, her mother-in-law began to physically assault her (even while she was pregnant with child) and threatened more violence. As a result, her husband Jerry decided to skip town overnight with a just few bags and a very pregnant Sonya.

It was about that time our paths crossed.

For several  years we were immersed into the gypsy world and their culture.  We became close friends with Sonya, Jerry, Sonya’s father (Joe) and mother (Helen). Joe also became a born-again Christian as result of Sonya's witness, as did Sonya’s younger sister, Gina. Sonya's mother, Helen who could not give up the palm reading (or did not have the conviction to do so, was very unhappy about all that has happened.) She had envisioned a good life for her daughters, not having to see them struggle to earn. Jerry had to resort to selling 2nd hand used cars to make ends meet and needless to say, things were very tough on them. It was a baptism of fire. But you would never know it from their faces. They were always so joyful and thankful that they now have names written in the Lamb's Book of Life ( Revelation 13:8 )

The times we spent with them were always rich in fellowship, of common faith, of first time parenting, our seemingly transient unstructured lives and (of course) our financial challenges. The uncertainty surrounding our lives drew us to each other even as it drew us to the Lord. (at that time I drove an ice cream vending truck while awaiting for some direction from the Lord).

And so, in America, far from home, the gypsies became our 'family' and in more ways than one, we became our brother's keeper.

There was a day we had such good fellowship and time passed unnoticed, but they would insist we stay on for dinner, (and which we did). After dinner, I went to get some ice cubes from the freezer, and much to my dismay found it completely empty; they had shared their last tray of meat in the freezer with us. Omg!

And so almost 30 years on I still fondly remember this gypsy family who received us like their own.

It amazes me the relevancy of the gospel that it would reach into a 'hidden' people group, unable to read, but yet they become receptive fruitful ground for the seed of salvation to land.

I'm reminded, its really not a head matter ( intellectual) , its a heart matter.

Sonya, Jerry, Joe, Helen, Gina Mike, we may have lost contact here but one day I look forward to seeing your lovely faces once again.
