Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Blood Pressure

Some of you may know I've been on a quest to keep my bp within limits to avoid taking bp medications. I've always believed that our body has been created by God to function perfectly. And we should remain healthy for most, if not all our lives (aging, of course will have its own set of issues). Any 'abnormal' blood testing results is really our body telling us (a sign) that something is wrong. The problem with much of today's modern medical practice (allopathy), much of it is really not designed to help you fight disease but rather to 'manage' it. So instead of emphasising the need to lose couple of kgs, change diet, exercise etc etc, you will most likely be given a pill to address the body's dysfunction and bring the numbers in line. Instead of listening to the body (and finding out) what its trying to tell us, we are prescribed medication to address a particular problematic area (diabetes. high bp, etc) and its likely we'll continued taking that meds for life. Then the process repeats itself for another issue which may crop up, and after a while, we need to careful theses drugs don't clash with each other.  Of course these drugs are not without it's own set of side effects., but all too often the demands of our hectic lives makes it near impossible to make  any necessary changes ; it becomes easier to just pop a pill.

So in my case, after exercising, losing some weight, and being careful of what i ingest, my bp numbers still remained borderline high  (stage 1, an average bp 140/90 with some +/- 5points spikes up /down ).

After more than a year, I was seriously considering throwing in the towel and take medication instead to intervene (that's the word doctors use, intervention! ) to bring it to the target of 120/80.

Then one day, i came across a doctor on u tube (cardiologist actually! ) whose philosophy really made sense and was telling me things which i already subscribed to.

He said that the majority of us (based on the modern diet) are really lacking in the mineral magnesium. And that magnesium is a key to relax the arteries (a natural vasodilator) thereby bringing the bp numbers down. It has no side effects, so no danger of overdosing (not a prescription) and it can be found abundantly in certain greens.

It was first time I'm hearing that a dietary lack could be can contribute to higher bp.

What there to lose right!?

So after finishing one bottle of magnesium (around 1 month), I'm very happy to say that my bp numbers have finally improved. (in fact just after two weeks!)

To supplement the daily magnesium intake, I've also added garlic pills which also seem to lower the numbers further.

I've come to the place where I'm quite happy at where the numbers are right now, and i thank God for bringing this life - changing info (for me it's a long light out of tunnel);  it also validates my core beliefs. Our bodies are created to function prefectly, any disease is really a 'dis - ease' which can /should be investigated and corrected so we may live out our lives, (as much as possible) and with as little as possible, the medications that seem to rule the day.

The readings can fluctuate up or down sometimes as much as twenty points, but i finally think I'm having the upper hand now.

Thks for reading! 

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