Friday, December 3, 2010

a christmas story

I would look forward to her visits to clean the pantry and the office premise which we occupied. We were the estate agents for this high tower office block (MSC status) and everyday we would entertain interested parties, .. people with deep pockets, big cars and big egos to match. She was the humble cleaner lady and a breath of fresh air in that stuffy environment. We had some good laughs together. Her name was Shanti, probably in her forties, doing her best to keep her family intact and make ends meet every month.

It was Deepavalli week and I wanted to wish her “Happy Deepavalli” before she went. She turned to me and said, “no anih ( brother).. I don’t celebrate Deepavalli .. I am a Christian and I celebrate Christmas”

It caught me by surprise as I assumed she was a Hindu. After a mouthful apology for such a fumble. “No, it’s ok . .people also don’t think I am Christian” she smiled.

So I had to ask “ shanti, so were you born into a Christian family?”

No, she replied in her broken english " .. one day I was walking to home from work and this christian man from my area.. called me and said he wanted to talk to me. So I listen to what he want to say. He asked me a question, “ shanti . suppose you walked by this drain, and you see the home where the ants stay (anthill), next to the big drain, you can see how busy the ants, in and out carrying things, working and going about everywhere, working working busy ants… then you see next to the drain the water coming up ( rising ) and soon the water will come (overflow) and wash this whole anthill away”

You have to do something or this whole family of ants will be destroyed. What will you do? Or what can you do to save the ants?

Hmm . . was a good question. And I pondered the answer as well. A dam .. ??

She continues the story.. . the man said, “The only way you can warn the ants of the water.. is if you become an ant yourself.. then you can tell them what you know is going to happen next”

OMG…brillant!! I began to see the analogy… How else can we “talk’ to the ants ..  and make them understand, unless we become . . . like an ant ourselves.

The man said to me,” this is what Jesus came to do. He see the danger for us and then became like us (man) to warn us .. and the only way he could is to be like man, God would become (a) man to come save us… Jesus came to save us”.*

She said she kept thinking about this simple story for many weeks and months. Then one day she decided to ask to go to a church to find out more about this Jesus who came to save her. Quite possibly illiterate, this lovely lady would hear about the love God has for her and has come to believe .. the good news that God became man (in Jesus the Son), not only to warned us of the danger ahead, but would also give his life as sacrifice . . so we may escape the impending judgment of God for our sin.

I was stumped. The ant story was so compellingly simple yet illustrates so beautifully God’s intention all along; to save us from our sin.

I am amazed how God would use so many different ways to reach so many different people . . because he loves us way too much to leave us alone to our own devices in vain.

I have not seen Shanti for quite some years now. We lost touch after i finished my assignment for that office building and since moved on to other projects. It is not likely I will ever see her again this side of heaven, but I know for sure there will be a day I will meet her again.

This Christmas, as I recall her ant-story, I realize it is actually “the Christmas story”. It is the story of the season, .. actually, it is the story of all seasons. But what better time to share this simple, but real story that touched the life of this lady and turned her into a daughter of the Most High.

Wherever you are shanti, I pray this Christmas finds you well and thoroughly blessed.

Blessed Christmas everyone!

21.12 2009


  1. Thanks for sharing this beautiful story Andrew. I imagine when time has ended and we behold Him, we will hear all the amazing stories of redemption as we sing the song that angels cannot sing, songs of redemption.

  2. Ardine,
    That would be some session (song) up there eh?
    Appreciate you much sister!
