My mum and dad discovered a ‘bonus’ few days ago .. a stash of RM200 found while clearing the house of unwanted items (quite a challenge to clear the clutter equalling a combined age of 177 yrs).
“What can we do with this” my mother asked, handing me the moth(?) eaten notes.
I looked in disbelief that the insect would choose such an expensive meal .... in the midst of so many 'good' yellow aged books lying around.
I looked in disbelief that the insect would choose such an expensive meal .... in the midst of so many 'good' yellow aged books lying around.
Oh well.
So I checked with the bank today and fortunately they were happy to exchange 3 of the bills for it’s full value and gave me 3 crisp new notes totalling RM150. The other RM50 apparently I would have to pay a visit to the Bank Negara (Central Bank) to see if they would give me at least ‘half’ the value since more than a quarter of the note has been eaten.
Talk about money losing its value.
“ .. Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon the earth, where moth and rust consume, and where thieves break through and steal: but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth consume, and where thieves do not break through nor steal..” - Jesus Christ
.. stark reminder in a world of such financial turmoil.
meanwhile .. looks like we'll be going out, buy ourselves some nice dinner .. ;))
Whoa, talk about literal. But you'd better be looking for termites. I don't think moths did this.