Saturday, April 13, 2019


Due to the advent of modern technology we are prob the first generation of people to ever experience a re-gathering of old schoolmates, made possible via whatsapp.. All at the palm of our hand. Think about it, no other time in history ever has any group been able to do this.

We are re connected again. But new technology is double edge; and  while we have the joy of discovering friends long lost and now found, we also may find our long lost friends now hold  views and positions on issues that could be at opposing ends. The romance of rekindled friendships (of lost history and innocence), is tempered by the truth we are no longer  the same people as the ones when we left in school.

But such is life and change is expected and accepted.

 Some of our guys meeting up with David Chan NL whom I ve  not seen in 40 years!

Our La Salle PJ class of 1978 (LSPJ78) is one such group. We are an active bunch (must be the Lasalle brotherhood spirit).  On any single day, there could be as many as a  hundred entries (or more) and a big uptick if the 'topic' of the day is controversial, ie politics, and religious issues, the pings will come incessantly. At last count, we have 105 year mates gathered in this group, and at any one time there will be a handful of us (online) sending in controversial articles, pictures of food, naughty pictures, holiday pictures, work travel assignments, exercise pictures (tread mills), etc etc.. Not always everyone's cup of tea but the sense of being connected to a larger group of common history seems the pivotal reason to remain ( and tolerate several hundreds of pings in our hand phone everyday!!) Of course there is spirited discussion; we argue and get into each other's face (sometimes intense), but except for the few who exited, by and large we all stay on. It does speak well for the remarkable camaraderie of LSPJ78.

It takes a 'strongman' to make sure this group behave.
He's smiling now but wait till he wields the rotan!
Richmond Chong KF is our 'class monitor" 

This is a screen shot of my friend's phone. Only recently found out about the delete function in whatsapp..
It reads 181,000 messages from our LSPJ78 group!!.
Must have taken half a day to delete.

But a recent incident showcased the togetherness of our group beyond the usual tokkok (BS chatter)

It started when when of our guys who rarely makes a post, put out a question asking "what is the meaning  metastatic carcinoma? " Then he went on radio silence, leaving the question hanging.  Apparently he was preoccupied with some lorry delivery assignment in Johore and was pondering the term that showed up in his medical report. Some of us who caught the post were rather alarmed and as the doctors/specialist among us addressed the loaded question, others began to contact him privately. He was diagnose of  cancer in his lymph node and after several weeks of delayed tests and diagnoses (@ govt hosp), the oncologist finally determined the source was actually the nose. Compounding the matter, he didn't  have any medical insurance, is the main provider of the family ( and has 2 children still studying) and still works to make his lorry deliveries.

Those who had some prior experience with the big C began to rally around him with practical advice, and to help navigate the deluge of information amidst the shock and dismay of the news. The presence of friends who come alongside I can only imagine were helpful as well comforting to him. When it became clearer what  his treatment options were, (and the ensuing costs involved), the group began a donation drive for him ( the goal to reach RM45k) At first the going was slow to reach RM10k but as the news began to spread, more and more financial support began to pour in, 15k, 25k, 35k and finally over 40k in donations poured in. They came from as faraway places as Australia, USA, Hong Kong, Canada, Korea, Singapore and of course our local brothers. Some gave out of their own  need while others were simply beyond  generous. Some donors preferred anonymity.  I can only say even as I watched the donation list grow longer and longer and the figures began to climb , my heart just swelled with pride to be part of this group. It was exhilarating to watch the genuine desire to help. And I think it did wonders too for CHC to know he is not alone.

At last count we did reach our target (more or less) and he can start his treatment now at a private hospital.  We wish him well and pray that his treatment/ and recovery will all go smoothly.

WELL DONE  CLASS OF '78 LA SALLE  PJ!! .. WELL DONE.. clap clap!


As I ponder this episode, the generosity shown and the warmth we get from giving, I am reminder-ed (again) the words of Jesus, it is more blessed to give than to receive ..  Acts 20  Yes there is a joy to receive, but there is a certain palpable joy when we do step out in the giving, of our time, resources and abilities to help someone in need (with no expectation of return).

Giving is the main ingredient of love. A father the moment his child is born never stops giving to the child,  of his time, his resources, abilities, protection, care etc etc. It is the most natural thing to do.

A human father .. what more a heavenly Father God who looks down at his creation.

I am assuming here, but when I look at the bigger picture  I get a glimpse of the heart of our creator Father God when he gave the supreme sacrifice of  his Son Jesus to redeem us from the penalty of sin,  John 3:16-17  Rom 6:23

To love is to give, and God is Love. 1 John 4:7-21

Till the next time ..  ta.

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