Thursday, May 30, 2024

Supernaturally NATURAL

I may hv heard the term before but I hv never pondered how it's application in our daily lives.

But of late I seem to have a more acute sense that His works in our lives does not always come with the spectacular, the unmistakable signature of a miracle from God ( and I've witnessed those too!), but rather God's 'workings' can come to us so naturally that we can often mistake it as.. well, a natural happenstance. Nowadays, I tend to think our circumstances may all  have a shade of divine engineering so naturally woven we don't even take notice at all.

For the longest time (decades!), I've been struggling with an eye allergy.
It involves my eye lid itch usually triggered by something I've consumed (could be 101 things and still guessing.. ); it can develop into an irrepressible  itch (sometimes debilitating ) to which no amount of rubbing can ease.
It was affecting my vision, maybe even a misshapen eyeball with all that rough rubbing knuckle abuse. Out of desperation I even visited a reknown homeopath/dermatologist in Tangkak, even subscribed to his  treatment  regimen of oral drops, which actually cost a bit.
But in the end for lack of immediate result,  I didn't have the patience /perseverance to continue. 

All the eye rubbing .. and the itch still doesn't go away. 
Good riddance to it now!

Finally, I resigned myself to prayer for a complete healing.  Relying on communion, and daily management with OTC antihistamines (zyrtec, pollaramin) that offer some relief. But on bad days even the zyrtec can't help; I just resign to live with the uncomfortable episodes of flare-ups, itchy, swollen and sometimes tear-ry eyelids.

It was awful.

It's a little stringy but the taste isn't bad esp with the mustard n soy sauce. 

I'm not sure how 'natto' came into the picture (Linda says she suggested it), but I remember trying it bcos it provided Vitamin K2, an important and  necessary nutrient missing in most modern food .. was surprised to hear my friend's wife also takes it with kim-chi.  Anyway I would take it three times a week (as it is sold in 3s per pack).
After just two weeks I noticed my eyes seemed a lot better. Passing it off as the normal 'ebbs and flows' of the allergy journey, I didn't even think it had anything to do with natto. But after a month of no flare-ups I began to suspect differently.
A quick search on Google confirmed that among many other benefits it has .. it is also known to help with allergies.

Wow! PTL

The answer to prayer could not have been more emphatic. JUST like that my seeming life long struggle gone!! (Good riddance!) Somehow, this natto provided the kind of pro-biotics that my gut-biome needed (and I've taken other probiotics before but they didn't help). Since then I've not had any episode for the last 2 months and from my perspective THAT already is a real miracle .. the type accompanied with signature bolts of lightning. Amazing!

Why didn't I just get healed miraculously and directly from prayer? 

..don't know

But even as I'm writing this, the Holy Spirit brings into mind and  'connecting the dots' in many other instances, He has guided me thru casual conversations, uncanny situations, and yes even words from unlikely sources which positively changed the important outcomes in my life. (Aleph Tav)

I think the key is not to focus on the answer we so desperately want, but instead to keep focus on our Chief Shepherd (and his constant supply of Grace towards us). We need to only keep our eyes on Him trusting he leads us into green pastures and quiet waters (Psalm 23)

After all, if Christ is in you and me (and He is..) we can trust he is working things out for us.

Meanwhile, its good to be conscious how God moves in such 'ordinary' ways. 

Stay the course. Keep the faith!

God bless! 

Bye bye Zyrtec, we had a stormy relationship
but i am ditching you for

Yesterday,  tested meself with this highly known allergen (to me) .
No bad reaction at all
It's no problem AT ALL. Yay!