Friday, April 15, 2022

Good Friday

So last night i had a dream ( and i rarely dream), but it was so vivid even now i can still rmbr the scenes /and the emotions alongside . I was leading a hiking group, but this time we went into a cave. The pathway soon became narrower (and narrower) till all i could do was contort my body to get thru these rock crevices till i reached a point i could no longer squeeze any further. As i became wedged in my position, i looked up to the sunlight breaking in thru the crevice, and i felt a sense of fear come over me. I was stuck. And I rmbr saying to myself "don't panic now andrew.. there is a group of ppl behind following you.. stay calm" . As i pondered my predicament, i look ahead thru the crevice in front of me, and i saw in darkness, there was a sign post that was "impossibly placed" there (no human could hv reached thru that narrow passage ). As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, i could see it had writing on it. And there it was. It said, "Jesus is the Way, the truth, and the life" Then i woke up.

#truestory #goodfridaydream