Monday, July 1, 2024


Habakkuk 3:17
Even though the fig trees have no blossoms,

and there are no grapes on the vines;

even though the olive crop fails,

and the fields lie empty and barren;

even though the flocks die in the fields,

and the cattle barns are empty .. 
( to be continued)

This particular verse from Habakkuk, at this moment describes very well how I'm feeling in my real estate journey ...  a low time "when the barns are empty" (no stock in hand ). How to sell when one has nothing at hand. It's been a quiet 4-5 months.

Yet I've known God s miraculous provision that can come out of nowhere. 

Still the looming question, how to go on when our hands are (seemingly) empty..

But oh God only YOU can deliver miraculously .. you've created food for 5k ppl from 5 loaves and 2 fish. (this feeding happened not once but TWICE to underscore his hand is not short to repeat again and again..) He can .. and will do it again for us. 

Meanwhile yesterday (Sunday) while walking into the church santuary and thru the main door, a brother in Christ walking beside me said almost casually (like as if to himself), "fuhh, I feel rain all over you", as we walked in together..


I was quite stunned.

So I goggled it last night. I was so encouraged with what I read. 

"Rain depicts God as your source of physical and spiritual life".

That's it. I love it!

It was exactly what I needed. He is my source of Physical AND Spiritual well being. The barren months has stretched me.. even though spiritually I'm armed with a fresh revelation of his Big Love, this word of assurance just resonated deeply within, and brought comfort as I feel a new season is beckoning me to trust him even more.

Via this precious brother, God sent a picture message and a timely encouragement to me; God knows exactly what I'm going thru ..
Then as an addendum, the Holy Spirit impressed to me, if you have no challenges then how will  God show forth his miraculous works in your life. 


Every challenge is an opportunity for God to answer from heaven.

(below is a continuation of the rest from Habakkuk 3:17 )

.. yet I will rejoice in the LORD!

I will be joyful in the God of my salvation!

The Sovereign LORD is my strength!

He makes me as surefooted as a deer,

able to tread upon the heights.

Truly we can be joyful in the God of my salvation and the sovereign Lord is our strength. 
He is faithful and will come thru (and again) for us always!

We just have to stay the course, to put our hope upon Him.

*meanwhile thank you for those of us who are operating in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. You are a blessing to the body of Christ. A timely word  conveyed from our personal God and loving savior

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