Our breakfast haunt. |
So all good things do come to an end. What started almost 3 years ago when i invited a bunch of classmates to join me hiking at a hill (bkt wawasan) nearby to where i live has slowly disbanded.It was a happy 1-2 yrs when we would get together twice (sometimes three) times a week to enjoy the forest, and then after chit chat over breakfast, catching up on each other. There was a palpable camaraderie even outside observers (hikers) would notice. They were even more surprised to know some of our friendships go back 4-5 decades (to primary school).
I smile when i ponder the great memories we forged.
There was one incident one of the aunties (yes, call us 'uncles' too ) whose curiosity got the better of her, ventured to asked us" what do you all talk about ah? friends so long..? Do you talk about your wives ah? here the chabor like to talk (complain) about their husbands." she remarked.
I chuckled at one of our banter reply. "No lah we don't talk about our wives, why should we talk about our wives(?!) ; when we come here, we forget about our wives, our work, everything .. we are like 'back in school' again, and enjoy those feelings of our carefree days.
What a super reply, and how true too!
Bukit Wawasan is a place we've come to forget about ourselves, our short comings and just enjoy our catefree school day friendships again.
It was a wonderful to reconnect the school friendships, and bond over some physical outdoor activity
But alas, in a world that has become increasingly polarized in opinions (exacerbated by whatsapp groupchats) , Breakfast Club (BC) too was not immune. "China vs US" , "Trump vs the world" , "Vaccine vs anti vaxxers" etc, the disagreements can be multiple and varied, and in the heat of an argument, our base-r instincts take over. (maybe it's all that free time mco forced upon us).
So in the final analysis, whatsapp is really a double edge sword, thoughts transmitted in words, dueling arguments over chat group really involves EVERYONE , even those on the sidelines; the 'not so vocal' ones get pulled in, get offended and go on to create back channel gossips groups. Nevertheless in the end, cooler heads prevail and boundaries are respected, and a 'cautious peace' prevails.
Sometimes its just better not to go there (in the end it doesn't change anyone's view , and we hv only succeeded to offend another with ours ).
Nobody wins.
So while our whatsapp group still remains, to some degree it has lost its cohesiveness, the focus has shifted, and the 'brotherhood' less than stellar. The continual mcos too didn't help as the lockdowns took its toll on our hiking activity, and we lost the momentum.
Now one group has decided to hike at another location Bkt Kiara (closer to their homes, but too far for me ), and others too hv found their own different recreational activities as well. (badminton, walking, basketball)
As for me, I'm back to enjoying my solo hikes again at bkt wawasan, just like when i first started, unhurried and flexible to my own timing and schedule. As always, i thoroughly enjoy the forest.
And it's a great liberating feeling.
As i reflect, there is one thing we should all prepare ourselves to face and ie. change is a constant, inevitably it comes into our lives and we need to adapt ; our circumstances, friendships change, our relationships change (for some, spouses), our families change, our finances can change, and certainly our bodies / health are constantly changing as well.
Enjoy your good times NOW cos they may not always remain. (And thankfully neither do the bad times last too.)
In the end, just enjoy your money ( you've earn it, the kids will find their own) enjoy yr sunny days while they are here.
Remember Andrew, over time nothing stays unchanged.
The only constant i know is the unconditional LOVE of God. And that alone tides us over any storm of life; his pleasure is always on us.
Take care n if you made it this far. Thks for reading. Ta. :)