I don't think western democracy is perfect by any stretch. We hv seen all its failings, even more so now. But if you pit a US democratic system vs the communist rule of CCP. I would choose the lesser of two evils.
Western style democracy is a product of western civilization with deep seated Judeo-Christian ethics /values as its moral foundation . Its the belief that man is valuable because he is created in the image of God. Therefore in the eyes of God, every life has value and is precious, and we are taught to value life as God sees it (how much more a human life).By same token, every man is equal before God, and therefore he has an equal say (one vote) in the election of his ruler in a democracy .
Contrast that w a communist-capitalistic system, no matter how impressive its economic miracle, at the heart of it is a godless ideology. And 'man' is only valuable as long as he has utility (use). Otherwise the system will see you as unnecessary baggage. In other words, you are quite expendable. In a communistic societies, the state becomes god, "cares" for you, makes decisions for you.. they become your god. If you become a problem to them ( ie. a dissident), there is no reason to think they will not 'disappear' you ( favorite term used by Chinese).
Already in this world life is cheap, but under the ccp, it even cheaper.
In the recent altercation w India along the Galwan (Ladakh) valley, Indian military suffered 20 dead soldiers. India went on to give their dead a full military honour and proper burial send off. It made the national news. The country mourned and honored its dead soldiers.
China didn't even acknowledge they had dead soldiers on their side. They didn't bother. (like disposable pawns in a chess game) It was almost as if it was a non event.
CCP will not stop its expansionist ambitions. Their tentacles-like influence spreading far and wide. A state govt that has no conscience, will utilise all its resources to crush opposition, often using barbaric methods of
Any keen observer will see orphanages in China are filled with children who born with handicaps, deformities parents dump to the State. It's NOT a burden the natural parents want to carry. I don't blame these people; they are but a by-product of decades of a godless communistic mindset/ philosophy.
Ironically, you will see many of these orphans are adopted by Western (American) couples, some of them childless wanting to adopt , others already with their own families, but wanting to adopt and bless these unfortunate children with a better life. They are able see every life as a gift from God.
(I know a few 'adopting families personally)
Ironically, you will see many of these orphans are adopted by Western (American) couples, some of them childless wanting to adopt , others already with their own families, but wanting to adopt and bless these unfortunate children with a better life. They are able see every life as a gift from God.
(I know a few 'adopting families personally)
Below is a story of the tragic death of a young toddler (WANG YUE) which was so astounding it even shocked the national consciousness of the Chinese, and raised questions how this could have happened.
Sure, there are many things wrong in America, but there are also many things right. ( it is a result of free society) People choose to do good or to do wrong. In a an open free society, you 'll see the extremes of good and bad. But, if the moral foundations of its judeo-christian values breaks down, the society becomes undone.
Sadly, this also seems to be true. (as seen in the agenda of the Liberal left)
I'm not putting down the Chinese people they are, but captive to the humanistic teaching which, at it core denies a creator God.( and is inherently evil). When there is no consciousness of the Creator, ALL things are on the table. Communism in its short history has killed more people (without batting an eye) than we care to estimate
I'm not putting down the Chinese people they are, but captive to the humanistic teaching which, at it core denies a creator God.( and is inherently evil). When there is no consciousness of the Creator, ALL things are on the table. Communism in its short history has killed more people (without batting an eye) than we care to estimate
This callous treatment of the Chinese people by the CCP are well documented, but totally scrubbed from Chinese history books ie. Tianamen Square Massacre , the abuses of the civil war 1927- 1949, the Great Leap forward (1958) the Cultural Revolution 1966-1976 , and the recent Hong Kong debacle.
Ironically, the civil war which spawned the CCP, killed an estimated 30-40m Chinese ( a conservative estimate).
Please think about that for a moment.
Many of your forefathers, relatives may have been killed by this same party you now show such support and admiration.
*mass killings by communist regimes
Today's CCP may take on a more sophisticated form, pioneering scientific fields of research, space ventures, Artificial Intelligence, advance systems etc.
But the underlying ideology remains the same.
Only the packaging is different.
CCP will not stop its expansionist ambitions. Their tentacles-like influence spreading far and wide. A state govt that has no conscience, will utilise all its resources to crush opposition, often using barbaric methods of
silencing overseas dissidents by persecuting their relatives and loved ones who remain in China.
If you are reading this, and you feel 'entitled' to have a contrary opinion (and you not afraid to express it ) then you are the beneficiary of a democratic system that values an individual's right ie. right to 'life, freedom, and the pursuit of happiness'. (I know that sounds awfully American)
Life under dictatorial regimes are brutal for those who disagree and dare to voice their dissent.
Life under dictatorial regimes are brutal for those who disagree and dare to voice their dissent.
It is said, all it takes for evil to advance is for good men to do nothing.
Much as we disagree with the US, they are they only ones able and willing (under Trump) to stand against the CCP..
I believe the world and its citizens has an obligation to check China with eyes wide open.
Much as we disagree with the US, they are they only ones able and willing (under Trump) to stand against the CCP..
I believe the world and its citizens has an obligation to check China with eyes wide open.
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A graffiti inside Hong Kong's Polytechnic University |
Before I end, here are some notable quotes below :-
"An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity."
"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it."
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it."
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
Thank for reading.